map() :
The map is a function in Dataweave which iterates over the items in an array and outputs them into a new array.
map(item,index) :
item (default $): it represents the element in the input array list.
index (default $$) : it represents the position of the element the input array list.
map function is only applicable for an arrays
It basically accepts input as a list of items in an array and transforms the items in the array in order to form a new array as an output.
Example 1:
multiplying item with it's index:
Example 2:
iterating with default symbols ($,$$)
ex1 :
Example 3 :
transforming employee data:
condition 1: employee id as key.
condition 2: value is combination of first and last name.
Note : Whenever we are applying map function other than an arrays we get the exception
Example 4:
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